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July 29, 1945


Hello darling,

Doris has been using the typewriter most of the morning and wrote you a nice long letter. It’s swell having her here because she peps Mom up beautifully. Uncle Joe and Aunt Ida are coming over later as are the Daniels and that will be good for Mom so she wont sit and think about it.

I’ve been on the telephone all morning and we still have no news but we have to feel that no news is good news. The suspense is so nerve-wrecking though. When I called the field this morning they said that they had all the details but that they cant give out any further information than that which we already have. They said that they would keep sending us telegrams. It’s such a helpless feeling just sitting here and waiting and every time the telephone rings we all jump a mile.

Jeanette came up this morning and wanted to know if I would like some chicken and soup for Pat for lunch and we all thought that was so sweet of her. She’s going to bring it up when Pat wakes up. It is really nice to have neighbors like that.

There isn’t any other news. Oh yes. I spoke to Cynthia this morning and she said that Aunt Fan is feally coming along swell and was even out on the porch for awhile and now eats everything. That is really remarkable I think after how sick she was and how they almost gave up hope completely. They all send their love to you.

Hope you have received that picture by now. It makes me feel so badly because it’s really the one decent picture I’ve sent of all. You’ll get it eventually I guess. There hasn’t been a nice day lately for us to take any pictures with the roll of film which Leo go for us but there’ll come a day.

I’ll be back later, dear, and hope to have some good news. Love u. Here I am again. Got another telegram from the Field today and still no news on Herb. This waiting is just awful but I’m still optimistic.

This afternoon the Wolfs came over and then all Mom’s cousins and there were about 18 people in this room. Just as they were leaving, Ginzia and her sister, Mrs. Rosenthal came in and they have the best sense of humor and really pepped us all up. Doris is still here and the Daniels will be over later and she’ll go back with them. Everyone asked for you and sends their love.

Pat was so wonderful as usual and they all were entranced with her. She went to everyone and gave everyone a kiss and a hug and that was all they needed. She answers yes or no when i ask her a question and everyone says she is so smart. Noone can get over the way she eats by herself even though she still makes a mess but she has wonderful coordintation and really manipulates that spoon just beautifully. She has very good coordination anyway which I’m sure will please you because everyone remarks on it and it’s an odd thing about which to remark so it must be remarkable. I had her dressed all in yellow cause I love her in yellow. Somehow it brings out her eyes and they’re so lovely anyway.

At this point Jeanette has Doris in a chair and is fussing with her hair. She’s very good at it and does wonders with it. Everyone just raved about mine today so I guess it really does look nice. I shall have to get the knack of doing it by myself. I’m going to let it grow again and then when I get home Jeanette will find an even better hairdo. She’s a swell kid. She was telling us about her life and they shure have had things tough. It’s really some story.

The war news continues to be wonderful and we dont think it can last much longer. All the commentators seem to feel that it wont be long before they surrender unconditionally.

Here are the Wolfs now so I’d better close for now. Doris’ hair looks just beautiful. Think I’ll hire Jeanette. I’ll be back later when everyone is gone and I can write in peace. I love you.

Hello again- after midnight + still no word. Harold, darling, I can’t tell you what a brick Mom is. She’s really the best sport + her sense of humor is marvelous. She’s just wonderful and it’s made this suspense so much easier.

Bernie called tonight ’cause she read in the paper + we were really so touched by that. The Linbergs have been calling all the time.

Aunt Miriam + Uncle Dan are swell. Do you know that Uncle Dan has given 18 pints of blood + he says he just wishes that at least one of those pints has saved someone’s life.

Hope there’s lots of mail for me tomorrow. Maybe you have been transferred by this time too. Am so anxious to hear.

Goodnight darling. hope there’s some good news on Herb by morning. There just has to be – but we’re keeping our chins up.

Pat kissed your picture in such a cute way tonight. Everyone was watching her + she was showing off a bit. She’s a honey. Goodnight again. I love you with all my heart + soul.

Your loving+adoring wife


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