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July 5, 1945


Thurs. July 5, 1945
Len dear,

It’s shortly before supper and Irv + I just returned from our mew location which is about 45 miles from here – We left at 9 A.M. and came back about 4:30 P.M. – an all day affair – The town is a small one, but slightly larger than this one. However the problem of finding a place to live is always an unpleasant job. Now it is necessary to find public buildings for billeting the men before you resort to private homes- i.e. public buildings as schools officers and “gasthauses” – This town has many “gast hauses” but the majority were dingy, dirty and small. One is almost always sure of finding Nazi collaborators no matter how small the town populace, and their homes are naturally nicely furnished with all modern conveniences – We found such a “gasthaus” – very clean, huge rooms, electricity, running water, tile bathtub + shower, flush toilet, and very nice furniture – a jewel in a tarnished setting – We always also looked at two nice private homes which would have housed my men + all the officers very nicely – I was very reluctant to take it for fear that the Col. would want to move in too. Instead I showed one of the houses to the Col’s billeting officers + he is reserving it for the Col. + his stooges. There we found a beautiful dental office with all modern equipment – 2 dental chairs, x-ray, etc. – obviously a Nazi sympathizer – It’s funny to go into a little farm town where the main street is cluttered up with cows, oxen, horses, pony  and the smell of cow flaps + manure is prevalent and find an elaborate, modern dental office such as you could expect to see in a large city in the states. There is also a beautiful castle with 40 well furnished rooms owned by a Graf Corte – the Nazis used it as a “mutterheim”- for pregnant femmes of the SS men – However Service Co. has it – they had priority on the buildings – The Graf is living in a small adjacent building – apparently formerly occupied by his servants but in which he + his family, in laws, etc, now live – Irv + I went through his home and what wonderful furnishings he has – hand carved furniture, ornate clocks, etc – china, silverware, etc- and antiques – you’d of had a picnic there-

Hello again, darling, I decided not to go deer hunting tonight – I felt tired and also a little guilty as I have been monopolizing the best guide, Hubert – thought I’d give somebody else a chance with him – Irv, Bob + Rick went out and should be back soon – I’ve been reading the past hour or so, after a delicious supper – Maria made “buckburgers” from the buck – that’s the last of the poor buck – but it sure was swell while it lasted.

I saw Major Kelman today and on my way through Linz and his orders have been cancelled and he is to remain with the division but he doesn’t know for how long. It’s common knowledge now that this outfit is breaking up eventually and most of us will be transferred to other units – just a question of when.

I don’t know when we are going to move to this new town but tomorrow I’m going to start moving some of my aid station equipment and other furniture which may add to our comfort – plan to take a few radios, the frigidaire (it’s working fairly good now), some easy chairs, some beds, a nice sliding table for eating As I’ve related the dentist who lived in this house was a high Nazi official and is now a prisoner with his wife in Mauthausen (?): Consequently I have no compunctions about what we remove from his house for our benefit – If this new town didn’t have a dental office, we were planning to move out the entire dental outfit, x-ray machine, dental chair and all, to our next location- The nice dental office there has made this unnecessary-

The Col. doesn’t know yet that he isn’t going to live with us  – He’ll be quite disappointed. I’m sure, ’cause he’ll miss Maria taking care of him.

I received a letter from you today dated 27 June – nothing new in it except that you have been doing a load of reading – How’s Bob enjoying himself- I wish he’d write to me and describe some of the places he’s been to and some of the experiences he has had. How’s Larry? Does he know what the Army is going to do with him yet?

Well, my loves, nothing more to write for today so I’ll say “Goodnight, pleasant dreams”- I love you + adore you with my might, heart and soul. A million hugs + kisses.

Love to all-
All my love, forever + ever,

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