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July 4, 1945


Wed. Independence Day (What a laugh!)

Len dear,

Again no mail from you today although I received a V-mail from Helene, a letter from Jack and few News-week magazines from Dan. Jack writes about the wonderful time he is having down in Florida and all the flying he has been doing – He flew to Havana Cuba for a weekend, to Memphis, Tenn to atten his brother Sydney’s wedding and in addition has been flying around to various general hospitals in a hospital ship. Apparently the setup is quite permanent as he expects to be sent to the Don Cepar in the near future for a month’s course on N.P.

Although I’m envious as the devil, I certainly don’t begrudge his good fortune. He’s a swell guy and I pray that he doesn’t have to come overseas. He says that Mort wrote to him and is back on the U.S.S. Cummings again – Helene sounded very happy and in excellent health- no pains or aches and also thinks that Jim’s position is quite permanent for which I am very happy. I know how badly I felt not being present when Pat was born, and know it would ^have been twice as bad if I were overseas at the time –
The weather continues to be miserable and if in the month’s time that we spent up here in the mountainous country, I doubt if we’ve had 3 good days. It poured all day today and just stopped a few minutes ago — just enough to go deer hunting tonight. Hubert my guide brought in the horns of the buck I shot the other night. They are mounted on a stained piece of wood and look swell – As soon as I can, I’ll send them home.

This afternoon Bob + I went over to Major Gautsch’s. My boy Pvt. John Austin returned from the hospital today. He’s sober now and soon we shall start section VIII proceedings and have him discharged as “Const. Psycho — Chronic Alcoholism.” best thing for him — I spoke to Major Kelman who related that he is leaving this division, he is being transferred tomorrow to a division headed for the Pacific via the states – that makes 10 medical officers who have left this division in the past 2 weeks- just keep hoping + hopint that if I do get transferred that I’ll get home first — Incidentally, they are doing a swell job in the Pacific as you know and I still anticipate an early end. What does Bob think about the duration of the war? He should be in a better position to judge than I and can speak more authoritatively — the China situation is relly holding up things — if the Chinese government settles their dispute with the Chinese communists, than I believe, Russians would attack Japan – and we’ll all be home much sooner –

Tommorow I have to reconnoitre the new town we are going to move to – I’m so anxious to get separated from the Col. + major but fear that they expect me to live with them again – I intimated that I planned to look for a place for myself to-morrow and the Col. as much as insinuated that it was unnecessary ’cause his seperts has already been out to locate a place for {und} us – He likes me a lot but the main reason, I imagine, that he wants Irv, Bob + I living with him is because of Maria who after all, is our housekeeper and not his — If we don’t live with him, it means that I will lose her and as I’ve related, she’s of inestimable value — Naturally he enjoys the convenience that she makes possible for him — breakfast in bed, clean house, clean clothes, etc – Well, we shall see. Irv + I are going to try to find some excuse to get away from him.

Time for supper, darling. I’ll be back later to let you know how I made out in my hunting – I love you + adore you – you, too, Pat.

Hallo again, darling. it cleared up and was beautiful out tonight but cold and I wore my Air Corps fatigues, a woolen shirt, sweater and my lined jacket as well as gloves. We saw plenty of doe but no buck tonight but I got plenty of exercise walking about 2-3 miles then thru the woods – It’s so beautiful going through this countryside – the pine trees, the meadows, the wheat fields + fields of clover as far as the eye can see – it sometimes looks like an artificial movie prop — how I wish you could see it and how I wish I could see you and Pat – every day gets harder + harder to accept this separation –

Goodnight, my wonderful ladies, I adore you + love you with all my heart + soul – Happy Independence Day — frankly it was the loneliest 4th July I ever spent.

Love to all –
all my love, forever + ever-

A million hugs + kisses,

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